As mentioned earlier, we went to the Impak Maksima The Musical last night. Overall, can be summed in 2 words...I'm impressed!! Big time!!!
My better half arrived to pick me up around 6pm but since I still have some work to complete, we only left KLCC nearly 7pm. The traffic, again, was not kind.
Once we reached Istana Budaya, we performed our solat maghrib and then had our dinner at the Istana Budaya cafe. 

I did not expect so many people to be there, yelah kan, malay theatre and this is not one of the Tiara's production. But, I was so wrong. Apart for us, the ticket buyers, there were also a large crowd of myTV3 members, I think they participated in a contest and won so received free tickets. There were also VIPs there, namely Dato Yusof Haslam and Dato Mustapha Maarof.
I did not expect so many people to be there, yelah kan, malay theatre and this is not one of the Tiara's production. But, I was so wrong. Apart for us, the ticket buyers, there were also a large crowd of myTV3 members, I think they participated in a contest and won so received free tickets. There were also VIPs there, namely Dato Yusof Haslam and Dato Mustapha Maarof.
I had a good time, and honestly I enjoyed this theatre more than I enjoyed the PGL. Maybe because this is my kind of music. I even bought the Fabulous Cats CD, all of the songs in the theatre were from that album.
If I have time to spare later this week, I would want to watch this again. That's how much I enjoyed it. Details, please go to this link.
4 normalies:
wahhh.. nak tengok.. tapi sampai 22nov je!! tak de extent ke apa ke yek? macam best..coz both of my Hubby and i suka this type of show.. hehe.. drift ni my Hubby thingy ler...huhu ekk..baca review kt paper cm hampess je citer ni..
ok..maybe boleh ajak my hubby pegi dating jugak...
wah bestnye.. rasanye kita nengok cik mya wat drift kat umah jek laa hehehe
yus - the drift act atas stage memang kelas!!!
zura - i think it depends on the preferance cause i nie memang suka hip hop music
mamamya - tgk anak2 drift tu memang hari2 kan?
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