Mobile Ringing....(Song - Big Girls Don't Cry)
"Assalammualaikum, akak Mami nie, Mami tau akak busy but today is your birthday...Please make sure you come home early for family dinner.."
How can you say no to your mom...especially when you know she is cooking a feast just for your birthday. I guess I can let go of my no-dinner-diet for just one night, that is my birthday night.
The traffic was not kind though. Like the traffic knows it's my birthday. Like the whole world need to stop just because it's my birthday(though i secretly wish for that to happen)
I arrived home right after maghrib. After solat, the family dinner started. Iwan was there to recite the doa and thank God it was a short one cause I know the cuties are starving. My parents cooked siput sedut masak lemak, ikan masak cili(ikan gerut2, have you heard of this), sambal tumis ikan bilis, ulam with sambal belacan and fried chicken. Of course, there's a birthday cake.
What did they get me? Next entry lah yer...All and all, I had a great time!
7 normalies:
sedapnya semua fud tu..
palin beh..siput sedut
what a wonderful birthday kak.
em masa kecik kan.. suka je nk kasi adiah kat mak. bila dia bukak.. tgk2 sabun mandi yg saya bungkus dalam wrapper cantik. hahaha
wah bestnye.. besday saya mak saya x ingat punnnnnn uwaaaa uwaaa saya dah lama membawa diri sebab tue mak saya lupa besday saya.. nie nak nangis nie.. wuwuwuwu
birthday is more meaningful if you celebrate it with love one. after all, dari situ kite bermula kan.
aiyah the spread buat i terliur laaa... especially the siput sedut...
wish you all the best and luck
semoga bahagia selalu disamping keluarga
sedut jgn tak sedut!;p
ikan gerut2?? perut ikan tau ler tp tabole dimakan yer sbb busuk dan baunyer tidak menyenangkan;p
atty - masakan mak, apa pun best kan?
vagg - it was a wonderful birthday indeed
mamamya - jgn ler nangis, be happy yer
fazid - you are so right!
mommy lily - thanks
azrul - sedut sedaya upaya, ape nie perut ikan...geli tau!
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