normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Birthday Party - Theme Winnie the Pooh

After Bukit Antarabangsa, we rushed to Bandar Bukit Puchong to attend a birthday party. The cuties received this invite and we thought it will be rude if we don't attend considering the hostess did come to our house( the whole family infact) during Raya. She is actually my parents neighbour in Kelana Jaya and we have known each other since we were very small.

The theme is Winnie the Pooh. The guests were encouraged to come either in yellow, orange or red. I tried to dress the cuties to the occassion but that can be quite challenging. None of the colours are their favourite colours. We were not there for long, just waited for the birthday cake cutting ceremony and then we left home. We were actually exhausted as we spent the morning earlier cleaning the house. While on our way back home, my better half and I were having this discussion...for the cuties birthday, what theme shoud it be kan? Takpe, that will be in May...Any ideas anyone?
Note :
What I learnt today?
As much as we are proud of our kids, bragging and trying to make them look better than everyone else, is just not a good idea... - please note inconjuction with the Awal Muharam, I will have this at the end of the last entry of the day. Well, we have to admit, we learn new things everyday...

3 normalies:

muhaiyom said...

hai..salam perkenalan dr ayom & co..menarik la blog ni..

Anonymous said...

statement ko yang kenang orang datang umah ko, and ko balas ke umah orang...

aku sokong

tapi aku sedih
event orang aku pergi
tapi event aku
jangankan mintak mahap ke x dpt pergi bagai, ini senyapppppppp jerrr

sodih eden

bukan ko ler! ko dah tentu datang kannnn

Liza said...

muhaiyom - salam perkenalan juga, thanks for dropping by

queen of red - takpe, bila kita pegi event org, kita pegi dgn ikhlas, kalau org tak dtg event kita pun takpe, janji semua bejalan lancar...