normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Friday, 19 December 2008

Dah sudah pun....

The moment we have been waiting for. My hero finally completed the procedure. We waited in anticipation (baby was the most excited 0ne) but I was a bit sad seeing my hero, my son, being pushed on a wheel chair. He is usually very active so I am not used to seeing him in that condition.
My better half told me the moment he regain his conciousness, he asked for me and I was so touched when I hear this. My hero, still need his Mama.
We waited for the medication and then made our way home. He still looked ok, perhaps the pain killer is still in his system...
Malam nanti, tau ler sakit ke tidak...

8 normalies:

vagg© said...

kak.. you know what..
baca blog nih salu buat saya rasa dalam sgt kasih seorang ibu. huhuhu

Anonymous said...

nak kene wat bachelor party utk ilham ke nih?
ala, sure dah ok kan?? so, dah ramai ke aweks???

Liza said...

vagg - kasih ibu nie memang mendalam, not only me but all the mothers in the world.

Anonymous said...

mak pun ke nyah??

attyfir said...

syukur..dah selamat ye..semoga cepat sembuh..

Liza said...

andy21 -tak kena konsep ler andy oooiii....ko jauhkan diri dari anakku

anon-tak paham ler komen nie

atty-memang syukur sgt!

Anonymous said...

syukur alhamdulillah semoga cepat sembuh..

re = cuba lagi ada lagi 2 hits no. hehehe

Liza said...

mamamya-mmg nak sgt si hero nie cepat sembuh. and I want to win prizes from your blog