While waiting for my hero to complete his procedure, my baby was so restless. That was predicted as she is the closest to her abang. She kept on asking "Bila abang nak sudah nie"... and start to berguling here and there in the waiting room. Everytime the door opens, she will start running and have a look...and gets dissapointed everytime...
After my hero completed his treatment, he needs another one hour to recover. Since my better half has not eaten anything since morning, he thought it will be a good idea to bring my baby together to accompany my better half for breakfast. Of course, my princess would want to tag along.
There is a 1901 just outside the entrance of the hospital. So, that place was chosen as our temporary lepak place.

And Baby was still waiting impatiently for her abang.......
6 normalies:
ohhhh that was sweet!!
bagus nya baby nih kak
hope abg cepat sembuh...
pray for him
jgn baby!!!
ni..... kakak... eh... kakak ke aunty? hahahhahahha yg membaca ni pon berdeabr n tak sabar ok...
wah wah wah...
kak liza has find out the secret of writing and how to make ppl to come back for more!!! cayalah kak!
liza, the story reminded me of me when my brother had the bersunat... though we were like cats and dogs most of the time...tapi masa tu..risau oooo... and during his recovery I spent most of my time sitting beside him..kejap2 dia request air, kejap2 dia request nak makan..ahahahha..i pun berlari turun naik rumah just to fulfill his needs....
fuyoo abg man... post terbaek di 1901...
baby mcm artis baru terbaik menang anugerah (senyum pura pura) hehehe.
apahal makcik keje 1901 kat belakang tuh senyum sama...?? anak dia pun sunat gak ke? ke nak ngorat jejaka di hadapan itu? jeng jeng jeng.. (melodi ahad lepas)
vagg-sweet tu sweet gak, tapi kalau begaduh, memang tak hingat!
mommylily-thanks mami, alhamdulilah beransur pulih
lil^red - i learnt from other bloggers and one of them is you!
fazid-i guess when you are attached to one of your sibblings, you will have this feelings kan?
andy21-makcik 1901 tu senyum sebab dia tau nanti andy tgk gambo dia
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