normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Saturday, 20 December 2008

I got not one....but 2 awards!!!

I am so happy my presence in the blogging world is felt by other bloggers. My main intention of blogging is to store all the memories in my life which I can share with the cuties when they are all grown up, but I guess I have underestimated the power of blogging. I gain many friends online, and get to know many kind people....

And I am so proud to receive this 2 awards(don't worry, I don't intend to give any of those terima kasih mak ayah speech...) ;

The first one is from an old friend of mine, fazid...We studied in the same boarding school back then and I am so glad to meet her again...
The next award received from Mama Funky. I got to know her via online, she is one of my blogging buddy. And from her blog, she is indeed a funky mama!
Who should I give this award to??

For the first award, the Inspiration Award....

I want to give this to dott, nae and Nad, this 3 gorgeous ladies that I got to know online...Have met all 3 and adore them more after that...And their blogs are real...Real people with real issues and real life, and they make me feel, I am not the only one having this issues....

And the coolest site award goes to....

redmummy(though I know she has received a lot of this but her dot com is so cool), atty, mamamya, lil^red, vagg and mommylily.
To all my blogger friends, all of you are so amazing in your own way...Not reading your blogs make my day incomplete!

7 normalies:

attyfir said...

thanks liza..muaaah..

lilRed Farah said...

oooooooooo fazid ni kawan kak liza ke???
ok then... sekarang saya yakin dan tidak ragu ragu lg...
hehhhehe biasala... takot pisang berbuah due kali
and tq for the award!!!!!
tq soo much!!! nanti ku tepetkan ye

Liza said...

atty-you are most welcome

lil^red-fazid is an old good fren of mine, kenal since form four...

Mommy Lily said...

tq tq...liza.

my blog cool ke?..

appreciate it :-)

vagg© said...

hahhh amazing in my own way??? thanks kak.
pasti kuar entry utk nih. tunggguuu

Anonymous said...

time kasih2 kita x sabor nak gantung award nie..

time kasih tanpamu x bersinarlaa web cik mya tue..

Anonymous said...

wah tocei toceiiii

nak kena bagi ucapan gitu yer

oh saya x mampu nak berucap

oh saya terharu gituuuuu
