My parents love travelling. Since my dad used to work for MAS until he retires about 6 years ago(he worked there for about 35 years, so everytime when I was about to quit my job for a new job, there goes the lecture about company loyalty and all, sigh!), he still enjoy the cheap fligh rate as part of the retirement package. Fyi, this only applies if you joined MAS during their government body years. So, jgn dok berangan yer.
They have travelled all around the world. Even when I was younger and not married, we used to travel abroad once a year. So, this time around, my parents went to Sabah. They spent 3 days there.
My dad is quite skeptical about investing in a digital camera. He felt he is more comfortable using the old Kodak inserting camera. However, while we were about to reach KLIA, my dad realised he left his precious camera on the car(please note, not in but on). Hence, not wanting him not being able to capture moments during their trip, I loaned my dad my cheap digital camera.
My hero gave Atok a quick tutorial on how to use the camera. First picture taken, ok ler tu!
Enjoy some of the picture taken during the trip.
7 normalies:
yup betui tu liza..gud idea..
saya sokong! digicam for Atok would be nice.. beli yg ala kadar je pun he would be happy i suppose. u can get a digicam nowaday for less than RM500.. or a lot lesser..
boleh jek kak.. sure dia happy sesangat nanti!wah excited lak aku kan
akak, ni miss anon (anonymous) nak tanya. how come your cik abang always pakai long sleeves t shirt?
hehe..cik abang dia x nak kena panas ek kak tang tangan..hehe
eh kak liza....
encehkkekaseh just join MAS for the past 3 years kot
still ade la discount2 itu
dan ticket free every year
cume kene bayar airport tax je
and he's thinking of quitting MAS
ish ish ish...
baru je pk pk nak caras all the tickets
tak sempat kawin die ank berenti dah???
owhhhh makan hati maaakkkk!!!
klaka lak...
beli la kamera tuh
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