My apology for not being able to do entries more frequently. The internet service has been very bad and I gave up being on line and trying to do more auto published entries. Hence, just managed to do one before I leave for work. I am also still actively working on the new 2 blogs that I mentioned earlier.
Well, how was was my dad's birthday. It was quite ok. Since my mom is not well, we decided not to eat out, just a quiet ta-pau dinner. I bought sate, mee hoon goreng, roti nan with tandoori and of course a birthday, which was chosen by my hero. That explains the Robin picture on the cake.
My hero recited the doa makan while Iwan did the long doa selamat part. I hope one day, my hero would be able to resume his Pak Usu's position and recite the doa instead.
And here my hero handing in the birthday card signed by all 3 of them for his Atok. My dad keep on teasing him saying this must be a blank cheque where he can write whatever figure he wants...
7 normalies:
tak sabarrr nk tengok adiah ape. digital cam kah? hiks. tapi mak ayah kita nih kan memang excited sesangat kalau kita buat birthday celebration untuk diorang kan
kak one entry pasal education dh keluar baru jap tadi
wah meriah sgt ye kak..ngk lauk2 pun sdp...happy bday pakcik..
huhuh..banyak nya fud..very yammie..
ko kasi adiah apa..jadik tak kamera digital.
kirim salam kat ur dad tau... kelasss.........
all the food makes me want to cry....
lebih dramatis lg... air mata darah....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to kak liza's dad
i miss my dad a lot!!!!!
Happy Belated Birthday to Liza's dad
taktahan sungguh kek robin tuh!!!
heppy belated birthday to ur dad!
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