My hero can't sleep the whole nite prior to the day he was about to be circumcised. He said to me, "abang takut, sampai abang susah nak tidur. Tidur kejap lepas tu terjaga". I feel so sorry for him cause I did not know this will impact him like this.
When I woke him up in the morning for the day, he was so sleepy. Kesian sgt tgk...
His grandmother called him to give him words of encouragement. But, from the way I look at it, no matter what people say, nothing can actually make him feel better.
And he slept the whole journey to the hospital.....
5 normalies:
insyaAllah he will be ok... skrang nie kejap aje, ingat lagi both of my nephews bersunat same2... masuk ari ke 3 dah berjalan-jalan...
fazid - hopefully cepat ler baik, mcm tak best ler tgk dia telepek jer
baby & Mira srill the best.. smile all the way to hospital... rock on !!!
ilham.. dah settle kan? ok la...
andy21 - ilham dah settle...mmg ler yg tak sunat can smile all the way to the hospital
slamat la mak haku takde blog waktu dulu2..
kalo tak, wat malo je muka haku diletak begini...
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