normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Should I or shouldn't I

I fell in love with this Anne Klein Women's Charm Watch...Saw this here...

I wanted the one in silver...Cantik kan?
Of course the ultimate wish list is to have the Thomas Sabo but will settle for this one for now...
So help me....
Should I or shouldn't I....
But, I want!!!!

6 normalies:

fazid said...

just follow ur instinct my friend..ahahhaha... duit u kan :D

penyapubaru said...

u should!!!!!heheheh

~the seller~

mama funky said...

up 2 u akak...tapi memang cantik lah..

nanti akak p amek award kat bl0g mama ye?

bye kiss!!

attyfir said...

cantek tu.boli yo.

adli said...

wow that is one hot charm.. hehe..

p/s: u have an oven? then u should bake!! hehe

Liza said...

fazid-my instinct says yes but my brain say NO!, tu yg confius

penyapubaru-will let you know by end of today...memang tringin sgt...

mamafunky-dah ambik the award and thanks so much, auto publish for tomorrow's entry

atty-nak beli ler nie...nak sgt!!!

adli - yup, one hot charm...i do have an oven and i do bake...just has yet to blog about it...