One of the items in my weekend checklists is to make karipap and then to store them in the fridge and we can fry them whenever we are too lazy to cook. In relation to that, I have a story to tell.
When I was working for my previous company, during the early years, the income was not that high. Moreover, we have loads of financial obligations like the car installment, house rent, nursery charges apart from the daily expenses. Life was really tough. And to make end meets, I sold kuih and nasi lemak in my office. Yes, tanpa malu2 I did that eventhough I was an executive there. Alhamdulilah, many of the daily expenses managed to be covered with the profit earned.
One of my hottest selling items is karipap...and that's why I have master that.
First, we cook the inti. Usually, I will do the inti kentang with shredded chicken.
Then, followed by using the karipap making tools and do like what baby did.
The cuties enjoying their self made karipap.
Next week, nak buat kuih apa pulak yer...Hmmmmm......
14 normalies:
salam liza
i've been reading since I don't know when and I seem to enjoy it. Do u mind if i link ur blog to mine?
aaaaaaaaaa sedapnyeee.... mmg best simapn beku.. than tinggal goreng je.
ina - salam perkenalan, not a problem, I will link your blog to mine as well, thanks for being a loyal reader
lil^red-memang best compared to yg beli frozen kat kedai(prasan ler tu), cucur badak pulak. Eh...bole frozen ke eh?
wah murah je ek kos nak buat yg mls..ko mmg gigih week kuih cek mek molek la..hehe
akak pandai kelim tak?
saya selalu FAIL bab nih huhuhuh
nae - tak sure lak cucur badak can or not sebab ada kelapa kan?
ita - ko nie ita, kuih cek mek molek tu apa yer? ada resepi tak?
vagg - sorry sis, kelim tu apa yer...
KELIM tepi2 karipap tuh la kak.. ke panggil ape. rasa cam bahase standard dia kelim la. lipat2 buat corak tepi karipap tuh hah.. instead of using the 'pengepit' karipap itu? heee
salam liza...sedapnya karipap tu..budak2 pun sula membuatnya..anyway, salam perkenalan
salam perkenalan buatmu wahai liza.. kui kui kui..
leh salam ke kiter nih?????
salamiah hassan ok kot.. hahahaha
kelim tuh dekat kulim tapi belia beryayasan, kelim orang pun dia bedai!!
salam buat semua.. :)
salam liza
if possible, can i have the recipe of the yummy karipap?
akak..nak belajar buat karipap bleh... this one of my fave kueh la...
Ina & Adenium,
Liza tu, blaja wat karipap kat makcik masam KJ laa...
yummy ker karipap tuh or .......
Sian baby 'terpakse makan karipap sedekian rupe.... kelasssss
i tot exec takde hadapi financial difficulties
thnks kak bagi me a new perspectives...
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