Got this award from Ina. Thanks Ina, really appreciate this!
The recipients of this award are required to:
1. Copy the Award badge (above) to be pasted in your blog. - done

2. Link the person who gave you the award. - done
3. State 10 facts about yourself that you wish to share with your readers.
10 Facts about Myself
1. I got married when I was very young - 21 years old and by the time I reached 25, I am blessed with 3 kids. So, I am still in my early 30s, just because I have grown up kids that don't mean I am old yer...
2. Always wanted to be a psychologist and still striving for that. Education background was accounting due to parents request
3. Only started wearing make-up when I was 24. Wearing make up for dinners and on the wedding day do not count!
4. Have always been in better relationship with the opposite sex. Bestfriends has always been boys most of the time.
5. Not so IT savy. Still trying to learn but at the rate the upgrading of technology happens nowadays, I don't think I am able to keep up lah!
6. Want 5 cuties, currently have 3 so to add another 2. That is part of the 5 year plan.
7. Very bad in keeping in touch with old friends. I think they can vouch to that. Thank God there's facebook, this makes it so much easier.
8. Been wanting to learn how to sew like forever! Currently, this responsibilities are under my better half's jobscope.
9. Trying to be positive about my surroundings. One of the comments given by my new boss, I like to take things negatively, trying to turn every so called bad things that I hear to positive though that can be a hard thing to do
10. Hates when people say to me " I know you" or "I know her very well" when talking about me. Nope, no one knows me well except for my better half. This may surprise you but I am a private person and what you read here is just lesser than 5% of my life.
4. Choose 10 recipients for this award.
All of you..itupun if I have more than 10 readers kan?
2 normalies:
oooo u got married at a young age. bestnye kan, anak2 dh besar, blh jadik kawan
ina - yup, that's the positive part, biler tringat how difficult life was when raising them as I was very young, and they were like umur rapat2, it's so worth it!
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