normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Friday, 2 January 2009

The hot spots @ Melaka

We made several other stops after the A Famosa. We stopped at Stadhuys. There's a small fleas market where we purchased a binocular for my hero. He was about to sulk as the 2 girls received a pendant and necklace each while we have yet to get him anything. So, when we were here, we told him to choose what he wants as long as it is below RM10.
The last stop of the beca ride was at the water fountain in the middle of Banda Hilir. It was very unique and look ancient.
This was not our first time in Melaka and we have always wanted to try the beca ride but before this mostly all of the beca driver(driver ke?) looked old so we are like "tak sampai hati" to seek their service especially me, I know I am heavy. But, nowadays, you'll be surprised there are quite a number of young blood. We took 2 beca ; one for me and my better half and the other for the cuties. We were driven (again, for the lack of better word) by a father and son tag team.
But, come to think of it, if there are many people who thinks like I do....Si pembawa beca nak makan apa kan?
What I learnt today?
I learnt it is important to educate the cuties with history, at least when they start learning this, they can visualise the places that we have taken them too...

3 normalies:

attyfir said...

hi liza..baru ade masa nak ..
liza g cuti melaka...umah mil atty melaka.

fezarena said...

kak liza..anak akak yg paling kecik tu sgt suka bergambar yerkk...cute jerkk..hehehe...

Liza said...

atty - rumah mil tu kat mana, mesti best kan slalu dapat gi melaka

ayusolo - si baby tu mmg suke berposing, pantang ada kamera...