normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Monday, 19 January 2009

I had a wonderful weekend!!

I was planning last weekend like since Monday. There's so many things happened last week...Good things...and of course the bad thing. But, trying to be positive about it, I told myself, semuanya yang terjadik ada hikmahnyer.

My better half works on Saturdays. He knew I was very tired. He did not want to wake me up when he left for work. Terlepas subuh tau, kena cepat qadha! But, I know he meant well. He prepared his own breakfast and clothes. That is so sweet.

Do you know what time I finally woke up? 11am!! I can't even remember the last time I slept that long. And the cuties also behaved themselves very well. They ate their breakfast prepared by my better half and quietly watched the television.
When I woke up I was like....Ya Allah, baju tak basuh, rumah tak kemas, lunch tak masak...

Ok, takpe, not to be too stress up, I took thing one at a time.

First took a shower, then went down to do the laundry while preparing the materials to cook lunch. Then did some cleaning downstairs and once laundry was done, hang the clothes to dry. I also make sure the cuties wash their school shoes. Lambat tak kering nanti.

That was Saturday...

Sunday was a little bit relaxing. I had planned to cook a feast for my family, bought crabs from Pasar Malam and cook an early lunch. Then, did more cleaning, fold the clothes, ironing the school uniforms and wash the toilets....I also checked the cuties school books to make sure they have done their homework.

It's nothing more satisfying than seeing my house so clean and spotless. Even it's tiring, the result is beyond words....

And today is MONDAY :(

6 normalies:

fazid said...

because "Home sweet home". I always have this wonderful, happy feeling when I step inside my house.

attyfir said...


vagg© said...

ketammm arghhhh
seafood nih favourite tau!
emm bila hari kerja je trus :( kan heheh.
rasa nak cutiiiiiii lama2. (pastuh badan pun naik asik makan haha). pastuh sendiri tension

Liza said...

fazid - yup, home sweet home!

atty - memang sedap atty, lagi murah masak sendiri

vagg - ketam memang sedap...kalau makan seafood, kena nasik skit jer, kalau tak rugi sebab cepat kenyang!

Anonymous said...


adakah kegiatan tidak bermoral untuk membunuh kaum ketam di seluruh dunia... Hidup ketam...

AK said...

hidup ketam!!!

life as working mother and housewife rite... =p