First and foremost, I would like to apologise for not responding to those who left comment lately. Life has been very hectic, I only managed to do some auto-publish entries and did not actually accessed to my own blog as frequently as I want.
Now, I am blogging in the LRT on my way to work. I had a bad day yesterday and for the first time in nearly 3 years, I cried because of work.
I would appreciate your advise and need your opinion to tackle this one issue currently happening in my life.
Do you think I should give in to someone and put my career at risk just because that someone had just lost someone dear in his/her life. Do you think I should just let go off my current position without a fight just because of my sympathy towards him/her.
For those who have been a frequent reader of my blog would know about this particular individual who had been eyeing for my position as the right hand person of my boss. I have been holding this position for the past 3 years and so far from the feedback received, my performance have been excellent, Alhamdulilah. Last year, this position was craved by this particular individual and that person have been spreading stories saying that my boss offered him/her this position due to my poor performance. Upon hearing this, I confronted my boss and he denied this allegations.
And now, this thing re-surfaced. We are going through this job rotation thingy and we get to choose the new area that we would like to explore. Alhamdulilah, I got to venture something that I have been wanting to try.
Of course that individual quickly offered him/herself to fill in my position which was not even vacant in the first place. I hold 2 responsibilities as the right hand person for my boss and s/he is supposed to take just one of them but from the rate things are going looks like somebody is just greedy.
This person quickly did what I do even without any announcement that this rotation has taken effect. I am deeply hurt and my way of consoling myself is to tell me that at least I still have my loved ones around me but that is not really working.
My question to you, should I just let go of this fight just because I feel sorry for this person or should I fight till the last drop of blood in my body(dramatic kan?)
Please help!
Thursday, 15 January 2009
I hope you can give me some advise
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11 normalies:
sis.. feeling sorry to that person and talking bout something related to work are widely divergent.both are different and should be 'treated' differently.
when it comes to work..we should fight for our rights regardless of how we feel towards that 'someone' for things happened in her/his personal life. (in fact dalam hal lain pun kita kena tau apa hak kita kan)
as for me.. if i just let it go.. i might feel SOOOOO REGRET in future for not fighting for it, not because i am selfish and intolerant, but that is just for ensuring that i fight for my rights justifiably. i fight for it since i should.
conversely, you might feel okay by letting it go just like that, but make sure there will be no regret (even a piece of regret)in your heart soon.
well, personal and work are two different kinda things. if we act something which is right, but might not be favoured by others, what else should we say? as long as we are doing the right thing (and the most important matter here is, don't just ignore our own feelings for the sake of someone who doesn't deserve it), i always believe those who are rational would understand it.
bukan semua orang boleh terima kita punya pendirian.. dan kita takkan nak paksa kan. as long as at least kita rasa puas ati hak kita dipertahankan walopon orang lain mungkin tak suka.. just go on!fight for it.
well- piece of my viewpoints
salam liza..atty hanya mampu ckp.perjuangkan hak kita..
gud luck..
Akak, saya budak kecik lagik tapi pendapat saya la, if it is urs you should fight for it but if only you feel it worthy for you to do it and it didnt change you for who you are.. kang kot akak fight sangat-sangat kang terus akak jadik orang jahat tak best gak kan? mcm kata vagg kat atas, personal and work kena asingkan..
apa-apapun, best of luck and jangan sedih2 la akak.. tak best..
If I were you, I'd fight for what I want. But then, I am selfish like that. Maybe istikharah will help...
Sis Liza.. fight for your right.. fight wisely and legal look in silent..
kak liza....
in anything that u do in urlife...
and u love ding it very much...
fight for it and make it worth the fighting...
supaya esok esok... bile kak liza fikirkan balik...
u wont regret any decisions that u've made...
ini adelah kehidupan kita... dan kehidupan ini, masa ini.... kita diberi peluang sekali je nak melalui nye....
dont let others behavior affects ur action....
dear kak liza,
this type of competition happens anywhere...dulu masa keje dkt EY, me rasa lebey kurang lah..this type of fights..1st year, biler me just let go, rasa regret sgt..then i decided to go for it n fight for it...naper nak follow ckp org lain kan...alhamdulillah..apa kita buat berbalas n kita rasa puas...
kesimpulannya, sy rasa kak liza buat yg terbaik n utk kepuasan diri..bykkan berdoa mintak ketenangan n keberkatan dlm aper yg kita buat..niat kita baik p un..
saya doakan semoga kak liza tenang n tabah..aminnn...hugs n kisses...:)
kak liza,
fight for your right
I think kalau kiter terlalu lemah..nnt org akan pijak kepala kita
Allah dah tetapkan rezeki untuk kiter so jgn menolak rezeki pemberianNya
dear all, i appreciate your input and your advise so much, i am trying to go through this phase of my life and hopefully the phase will not be a long phase. please pray that everything will go on well opinion is simple... in life there is no justice. we are our own survival. Don't give in, you are being offered that position because of your credibility. Take it as an opportunity. I know you are kind hearted, but sometimes you need to think of yourself and your family.
Wish you all the best Liza.
tatau nak nasihat cmna... kurang pengalaman...
but bagi saya, saya tak suka berkonfrontasi... sbb saya tahu apa yang saya buat btol...
dan kalo saya tau ada mende yang akan menganggu, saya akan cuba ubah
thus, fight for your own right while u still can, jangan nyesal kemudian hari...
but still, yang merasa adalah kak liza, kak liza yang tau keadaanya cmna, so, decide la
kami hanya boleh berkongsi...
gud luck!
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