This will be my new best friend effective immediately.
I think by now everyone would know I have been on this no-success-and-frustrating-diet-yet- still-tak-sedar-and-want-to-try-some-more. But, this time it's different. (I know, I can hear you are saying Yeah, right!)
Why I said it's different? Because...
I started on this new diet program on 26 December weighing 72kg at that time and just manage to weigh myself on a reliable weighing scale. Guess how much I weigh now...
Can you imagine that. I lost 6kgs in a month. How about that.
I am more determine now I can do this. Yup, I can reach my ideal weight goal.
Finally, it's all paying off!
10 normalies:
fuyoo dah turun manyak.. teruskan usaha..
wow!! congrate akak.. ni jeles ni.. 6kg in a month? hebat tu akak..wah..boleh jadik idola nih..
result shows. honest.
u can do it liza..chaiyok...chaiyok!!
kakliza... tension gak nih... asyik maakn tak hengat jer.... mula selasa nih nak diettttttttt
mamamya-manyak lagik nak kena turun, tu baru skit je
aisha-no lah sis, still too fat to be your idola
azrul-when it comes from you, I know I am not syok sendiri only
ina - thanks
adenium - just start whenever u are ready
kak liza....
share lah rahsia kejayaan diet nih
hahah farihah lak yg main sumbat je makan
waaahhhh....that's one great achievement.... kena share nie :D
kat BSP dah ada pasar malam ari Khamis ya go girl! Do some weight training kalau nak reducekan lagik
lil^red - tak branie lagik nak share apa2 sebab still long way to go, insyallah, kalau turun lagik will share with all
fazid - hari khamis tu pasar malam kat bangi lama
nae - that will be my next phase, Insyallah next month will start with that
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