I was warned by my better half, there's a strong possibilities we will be following my in-laws to attend weddings last weekend. So, better brings baju kurung. Not only for me, also for the cuties.
So, last Sunday was officially Day One of the wedding hopping fiesta. There were 3 weddings and one engagement that we need to attend. All were around the kampung areas.
I brought the cuties along so that they can learn to appreciate Malay wedding - kampung style as well as they can get to know the people in the kampung, I know I need to be doing the get to know part as well.
This reminded me of the 2 important frequently used or sometimes I classified this as over used statements why we have to attend weddings as per what I have been informed by my parents everytime I felt so lazy to follow them to weddings:
1. :"Nanti Liza kawin or adik beradik lain kawin, takde orang nak datang". Since they can't use this statement anymore, all me and my 2 sibblings are married, this have changed to, " Nanti anak Liza kawin takde orang nak datang". And my eldest child is only 11 years old...hhhhmmmm....
2. "Nanti kalau ada orang meninggal kat rumah nie, takde orang nak uruskan jenazah" and this never fail to give me the creep everytime this is mentioned and I have no choice but to oblige my parents order to attend weddings.
Back to the wedding hopping...
Let's look at the scenarios and the decorations of pelamin and the dining areas for all 3 weddings.
Wedding No 1
Located at Parit Sukor, about 5 minutes drive from my in-laws house. The concept chosen ; off white
Located at Parit Amil, the road leading to Yong Peng about 15 minutes drive from my in-laws house. The concept ; maroon and white
Located at Parit Lapis Sempadan, Parit Raja, 25 minutes drive from my in-laws house. Concept similar to House No 2 ; maroon and white. 
By the time we reached house No 3, I can't eat, so full already and the cuties were exhausted. The third house was different for the other 2, the entertainment part. They have live band...ROCK KAPAK !!!!!
And I did not follow my in-laws to the engagement event. I was having bad flu and cough and my face was all red and need to get my nap after the medication. Only my princess still have the energy to follow.
Actually, over the past 5 years, I have developed a strong interest to attend weddings, mostly because of my dream to have my own wedding planner company. Not only restricted to organizing weddings, also to organize events. Like event management company but the forte will be organizing weddings. That explains why snapping the photos of the pelamin and stuff.
Bilakah impian ini akan menjadi kenyataan....
2 normalies:
tapi statement "kalo........... nanti orang pun tak datang..........." tuh memang sangat effective, kak.
my late mum's favourite words!
vagg-i think it's like a standard clause use by all moms, soon, I may be one of the users of this clause
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