normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Monday, 16 February 2009

The ideal iftar meal

I have made a nazar and Alhamdulilah, the wish came true. This wish was very crucial for my future career and it's that critical to the extend I have made this nazar.
And the nazar is to fast on Monday and Thursday for 2 weeks. And this started last Thursday.
My better half was kind enough to prepare a feast for my iftar. All are my favourite food. He cooked sup tulang with the sambal ikan bilis cili api. Really good, makan pulak dengan nasi panas.

And my mom knew I was fasting, she prepared sambal udang and tauge goreng.
3 more days to go to complete this nazar. Insyallah, it will be a breeze.

4 normalies:

attyfir said...

sedapnya sup tulang liza..

lilRed Farah said...

wah wah wah... nyamannye!!!!

adenium said...

seronok nya...puasa..ada org masakkan....

vagg© said...

aduihhhh sup tulangggggggggg
lapar sampai ke tulanggg