normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Monday, 2 February 2009

Weekend lunch

My better half, again, have to work this Saturday. That left me with the cuties. As usual woke up early to do the house chores. That has always been a routine to us.
My better half usually look forward to lunch during weekends. Ye lah, this will be the day we have lunch together as a family. And usually, this will be the time he will request what lauk he wants to eat.
Thisl Saturday's lunch, I cooked ayam masak lemak cili api and sambal sotong. I told my better half to call me once he leaves the office, then only I will cook the rice. I want to serve it hot.
Sebelum makan, jangan lupa baca doa....
God knows how much I love the weekend!

2 normalies:

Anonymous said...

sian sotong kene masak... hwa hwa hwa...
early wake up? early ker?

so, ur better half luv the hot one.. i'm sure, u also hot one maa... hahahaha

attyfir said...

sambal soton tu sedap nya liza