Nope, don't worry, this is not the continuation of last week's wedding extravaganza back in my better half's hometown. This wedding was held yesterday in KL, at the Dewan Toh Puan Raha, in the Yayasan Tun Razak's building located near Bukit Bintang area. (wah, so detail one, better provide map skalik kan?)
This was the wedding the daughter of one our neigbours. We thought again, it will be kind of rude for us not to attend, they have attended the kenduri we organised earlier. Otherwise, we don't actually love going to KL during the weekends. Yelah, every day dah gi KL so weekends are better spend at home.
The theme was maroon. Everything was in maroon even the drinks. The door gift, one type for adult and the other for children.
The food served. They had 2 types ; one the typical nasi minyak and lauk pauk, another type the grilled lamb with salad. Sedap!
We wanted to go else where after the wedding but the cuties were fighting in the car and despite us asking them to stop, they did not listen so as we told them, let's go straight home since they just cannot behave themselves. All3 merajuk sampai tertidur...
Tulah, saper suruh gaduh!
1 normalies:
cantik nya sovenier dr pengantin
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