For this date, I did not even bother to bring camera cause I know K Red will sure snap2 one....So, pictures here are courtesy of K Red's blog yer
It was an impromtu lunch appointment. She sent me a message asking whether nak catch up for lunch tak? Since I am not doing anything, I told her ok...
Just an intro, I know K Red since 2005, even before I joined the company that we are working at now. We then just click and the friendship continues from there. We do have our disagreement, ada ler gaduh skit2 but never to the extend of jeopardising our friendship. I know many things have been said about her here in my office but for me, I don't make judgement based on others experience. If she(or anyone I know) is good and nice to me, there's no reason why I shouldn't treat her the same. Similar concept kalau this person baik dgn satu dunia but treated me badly, I don't categories that person as a good person). And so far, as a friend, she has never failed to be there when I need her. One thing about her she is very blunt but she mean it in an honest way, not so much about trying to ruin people, but more on trying to tell you something you did wrong. And I appreciate that in a friendship....This is my personal opinion yer, as you are entitle to your opinion, I believe I do so kan, so jgn pulak lepas nie kita yg tak bertegur saper ok?

I am still on diet, so order memang banyak giler but ate only tak sampai half of it. When I go to Chillis, I don't usually order the main course, I like order the salad, soup and the Chillis...makan dgn the crackers, memang best!

We talked and talked and talked. Mostly about our lives. We did some catching up about the new work I am doing and other blogging stuff.
Jgn risau, though diet, I will eat what I want to eat but in a moderate manner. Like this morning, I feel like having nasi lemak for breakfast, so I did just that. Tapi, order pun nasi separuh jer... Lepas tu kenalah exercise...Crash diet nie not healthy lah!
3 normalies:
jumpa nak jumpa atty nie..
betui ckp liza..mcm atty pun selagi org tu baik ngn kita..atty kawan..dulik apa org nak ckp..kan..
waa bestnye jumpa redmummy..
betul betul betul saya sokong kata2 liza tue :)
ehem ehem..mana gambar yg tige pinggan di depan tuh??
nasi lemak itu berhantu ok....sampai di sini pon ngidam2...nasib farhan pandia masak ansik yg sedap... hahhahaha saya fail masak nasik lemak :P
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