normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Thursday, 5 March 2009

You complete me.......

One of the movie I love watching is Jerry Mcguire. No, I never had any crush with Tom Cruise, he is so not my taste. I would go for someone with strong jawbone features like Brad Pitt...Brangan ler tu.
Yesterday, while doing clothes folding action so that I don't procrastinate and letting the piles to clothes to be taller than me, I watched this movie again.
The tagline "You complete me" and "Show me the money" really made me smile. Though I have watched the movie more than 5 never fails to entertain me...

2 normalies:

Anonymous said...

huhuhu saya x pernah nengok movie nie.. cam best jek :) best best best

Anonymous said...

i can komplit u, u no...