A week after celebrating my baby's birthday, now it's time to celebrate my princess birthday.
She is 11 today, sharp at 11.11am. We named her Nur Amira Syafiqa which means Cahaya Pemimpin yang lemah lembut
Let me share with you my experience raising my little princess.
For those who have been diligently reading this blog, would know I got married at the age of 20. After 4 months of marriage, I was told that I'm pregnant. This was a pleasant news despite the fact I was still studying and was in final year to complete my course. Alhamdulilah......
Carrying Mira was a breeze. I don't experience morning sickness or even tired. I was really energetic through out the pregnancy and was sitting for my final exam while I was 8 months pregnant. However, during this pregnancy, I love Big Mac and towards the end of the pregnancy, I was practically having Big Mac everyday until the McD counter girl knew what I want even before I reached the counter.
When she was a baby, it was a challenge, she had problems sleeping at night and would usually cry. One night we even took her for a drive at 2am just to get her to sleep cause she only sleeps when she is in the car. I nearly went nuts during this period due to lack of sleep and rest.
Mira has always been a smart girl. She started to walk when she was about 10 months old. I remembered she would woke up in the middle of the night practising in the court until she got it right. I can see her determination and like she knew I was already pregnant with my hero and she did not bother me that much. She was really attached to me though, not wanting to be with my better half.
Mira knows her ABC when she was 2 and a half years old and before she was 4, she already know how to read. She loves reading so much that sometimes she will quietly switch on the light in her room at night just to finish her books.
Mira loves girlish stuff, contradict to Baby. She loves anything which has butterfly themes on it. She loves pink and love playing dressing up. Apart from that, she loves singing and she always pretended like she is performing on stage and everyone is cheering for her.
Mira loves watching malay drama which I think she got that from my mom. When I come back from work, she will update me with the latest development on the dramas she watched with full of expression.
When Mira was born, life was difficult for us financially. Until now, I feel guilty for not being able to provide a better life before. We used the cheapest diapers, cheapest milk formula and simple to say cheapest of everything. She don't get out of the house that often and she did not enjoy lavish food. I think that is why now I want to provide her whatever that we can afford.
Mira always scores the top 3 in her class whether primary school or religious school. She is very smart and her teachers love her. She is also active in activities and would want to participate in whatever contest available. She won most of them and if she didn't she will always wants to try again. She has also khatam Quran last year.
Now the negative part, Mira is hostile towards her sibblings. Sometimes, I felt that she priorities her friends more than her sibblings. She would pout if she didn't get what she wants and love to throw a tantrum and feel she is being mistreated, like we are unfair towards her. I am still trying to change this negative attitude, the last thing any parents want is for the kids to be fighting with each other! 
Nevertheless, I love her soooo much and she is my princess. She is my sweet little princess and hope she will grow up to be anak yang soleh, and able to take care of her sibblings. I know deep down inside she loves her sibblings so much, perhaps just not good at expressing it.
Happy Birthday Mira. Mama sayang Mira sangat2. Belajar rajin2 and jangan lupa solat!
4 normalies:
happy birthday to Mira too!!! Semoga jadik anak yanag solehah and berguna..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PRINCESS aka MIRA. She is a lovely girl liza. Anak sulung perempuan memang macam tu liza, they are a bit bossy, and place more attention to her friends than her siblings. It is not that she doesn't care about her siblings, i think it is the nature of an eldest child, she met her friends first before her younger brother or sister. But deep down they are very caring about their siblings.
Happpy 11th Birthday to Princess! And many happy returns. And yes, eldest girl is bossy allright. But in a good way :)
heppi birthday mira
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