normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Monday, 8 June 2009

Apesal lah ko langgar kereta aku

We got into the car and after making sure it's safe to reverse, my better half slowly making an exit from the parking. Then only he reliased another car behind us was also trying to go out from the parking. He stopped and honk but the car continue to reverse and hit our car within split seconds. That is totally a recipe for disaster...
My better half quickly went out of the car to access the damage. It was not that bad but considering our car is less than a year old, we were quite devastated.
Our car was hit by a Kenari driven by 2 girls, students from a nearby Uni. I did not go out of the car and so did the cuties, we will let my better half do all the talking.
The 2 girls agreed to pay for the damages and to meet us again tomorrow at an agreed workshop. The driver looked shaken and I was told later, she did not even have the guts to drive back and waited for her housemate to come and pick her up...
Case closed, settled! Met them at the workshop the next day where they paid for the repair expenses...
But, to me, it's such a great hassle and made our weekend occupied handling this nitty gritty. But what to do kan? Malam tak berbau!!

7 normalies:

iNa said...

pity u liza
malam tak berbau ke malang tak berbau? *konpius*

AK said...

tuh la, dari nak kesian, trus konpius...
teringat lak masa kawan terlanggar keta buruk dekat trafik light...
turns out, nak baiki keta tuh mahal giler, sampai masing2 kitowang berlima kena kuarkan sowang rm100++

fazid said...

mmg rasa frust kan... i pun pernah kena, abis bumper, kereta pun tak smpi setahun...tapi dah nak jadikan. my hubby said, ada la tu yg tak kena tu, Allah uji sikit je tu :D

Anonymous said...

Malam malam tu bau lain..... huhuhu

attyfir said...

pity u tu ler kan malam..or malang tak berbau..mcm awal thn ni aty accident..ngn pakcik tua..adoi..nak sian..kalo tak kena time tu time lak..kan..itu ler along ckp nak sedapkan..ati wife dia..yg tgh bengang.huuuhh..

nae said...

Nak buat camno...nama pun accident. Part and parcel of driving at klang valley

Liza said...

Ina-malam tak berbau tu yg malang tu

Ak-tak payah konpius ler dik

Fazid- yup, ujian Allah

Anon-at least ada gak bau

Nae- couldn't agree with you more!