normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

More shopping

Just went I thought I am done with shopping, I was so very tempted to purchase this perfume during my so called window shopping session with Wati at Pavillion last Friday.
This is Burberry Sheer Collection and Parkson was having promotion for the 50ml EDP plus body lotion for RM159 - normal price for the perfume itself was RM218.

But Si Wati bertuah tu was teasing me and she hidded this purchase over the weekend at the office while I was looking for it everywhere....Suka tau buat suspen....
With that, akak rasa akak dah taubat shopping....kot??

1 normalies:

adenium said...

i consodered myself... never 'done' shopping... ada jer yang nak dibeli...kalau nampak..hehe