normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Friday, 5 June 2009

A fish spa experience

While walking around OU, we came across this Fish Spa place and decided to give it a try. Moreover, the legs were already tired from all the walking done and it will be a good thing to relax and have a break while trying this new thing. The price was not that expensive.
The cuties were very excited, but my princess was very ticklish and the first few minutes were spent with her screaming and laughing as and when her feet enter the water.
My baby, as usual, fearless and I was afraid she would jump in the pool. While we were in this spa, my hero was telling us information about this fish like what fish is this, where it came from and the benefit. Gosh, he sure knows alot....
This is my feet relaxing. I nearly doze off, must be feeling really tired.(Sila abaikan kaki yg sebesar kayu balak itu yer...)
We look forward to try this again. If I'm not mistaken, there's one near our house...So, this weekend nak try ok kot?

3 normalies:

Nurhayati said...

macam seronok je tgk org wat fish spa ni, tapi i tak berani la nak buat..penggeli.. hihi

Liza said...

Yati-mula2 je geli, after that best...

adenium said...

pernah gak cuba skali.... best gak kan....