normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Friday 27 June 2008

I present you good food, please forgive me

Who ever said the way to a man's heart is through his stomach? Cause, this may apply to woman as well. After my better half tried very best with his pujuking action, and he knows I am not well and haven't been eating, he took me to Ikan Bakar Jalan Bellamy as he knows how much I love Ikan Bakar. And I fell for it ;)....
The traffic that day was very smooth so we arrived around 11am, so the crowd was very minimal. It was so easy to choose the fish we wanted, to get a place to sit and also not having to wait so long for our drinks to arrive. So, it was very pleasant indeed despite the hot weather.
He ordered ikan keli, ikan cencaru(my favourite, ikan jaket!!!), sotong and came with some rice, gravy and vege. I wanted to get the prawn, but the price was a turn off. Imagine 6 mid size prawn for RM10. Baik beli and bakar sendiri kat rumah...
What's next after lunch? To pick up adik and check in to hotel. Fyi, adik had her convocation and in-laws were in town...Will blog about it later....

5 normalies:

Anonymous said...

mmg sangat sedap weii makan kat situ

dulu aku dok kat mcoba 8 taun, x seminggu sekali mesti pi ikan bakar tu

sejak keje kat klcc lak, dapat lah sekali aku lari makan kat sana. itupun fri. tp manusia ya allah ramainya...

mmg sedappp

ita.itu said...

kak nangis ngk sotong tuh..brp rm ek

lilRed Farah said...

sana sini bellamy....marah la ni kan...celah mana plak bellamy nih...tak penah donga pon! hissshhhhh kene jejak nih....

fazid said...

Liza..jasinian 93? i saw ur picture at mak merah punye blog... or am i mistaken u for someone else. if yes, u could visit my blog in order to recognise me.

Anonymous said...

oiiii.. sajer jer tau normal nie.. hehehe.. dah lah ikan susah nak cari kat sini