Yesterday was officially announced as the Raya Goodies Day! Why do I say that? Cause the people around me getting Raya goodies, not to mention nice Raya goodies as well.
Cik Puan Ambang, got this Crabtree & Evelyn Raya Cookies set from a friend of hers. I didn't know Crabtree & Evelyn has this kind of Raya goodies which has cookies in it. I thought they only sell toiletries and other nice smell stuff, in most cases, I couldn't afford to purchase them
As for me I got this Raya Hamper from one of my good friend. Love it, it is so cute and looks classic at the same time. 
When I was only about to boast to my better half about me getting Raya goodies, he came back with a bigger one. Kalah le akak tau! The hamper that he received was as tall as my baby and consists of many types of product. Though I argue, expensive things come in small packaging but he was not convinced at all!
Morale of the story : If you think you are the best, there is someone who is much better than you...muahahaha!!!!(gelak jahat, hiks!)
5 normalies:
hahahha btol btol btol btol (sambil gelak jahat juge dan angguk2 kepala)
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin, Dari VP, Laloque dan Nisa...
peace! :p
selamat hari raya& maaf zahir batin,
berhati-hati dijalan raya
wah best nye dpt hamper kan..kuih free gitu..hehe
lil^red - sejibik mcm upin&ipin..hehehe
vp & atty - selamat hari raya to you too...
ita - dapat brg free memang best
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