I was so stressed out today, been preparing for an important meeting which will be held tomorrow for the past few days. The materials changed so rapidly, next minute this thing, another minute another...
Then, I got this email from my friend and that actually made me smile...Ok, smile is an understatement, laughing histerically was more like it!!
Just look at the cartoons and see whether this can cheer you up like this cheered me up!

4 normalies:
it is funny indeed!!!!
internet ni mmg kelako kan kak..mcm2
Gosh....puas i ketawa sengsorang. Thanks for brightening my lonely day :)
lil^red-yup, very funny indeed and that's just half of the cartoons that I got, will try to upload more
ita-yg klako tak, jgn yg tut!! sudahler...
nae-glad it works for you like it worked for me, I was laughing till my colleagues thought I'm crazy
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