This Raya is very special and different to us. Our first Raya at our new home. After this incident, I truly believe there's a hikmah behind this and Allah is just testing us. Hence, our patience are being paid off with this new house, alhamdulilah. But, we have to be reminded, Allah tests us in 2 ways, one way with kesusahan which are pretty obvious and in most circumstances, people will pray to him during this hard time. Another way is one way that we sometimes neglect, i.e. via kesenangan. Usually, the kesenangan is the part where we forgot, Allah is also testing us to see whether we will neglect Him once we have this kesenangan, and then He will tests us with the kesusahan again by taking all of the kesenangan, be mindful ok....
My baby is the most excited one this Raya, for the first time she managed to puasa penuh!! Alhamdulilah!!!
Anyway, we woke up early at pagi Raya, since nak balik kg ler katakan...and where is the kampung?? About 30 minutes away from BSP in Kelana Jaya...hahahaha...kampung ke?
When we arrived, we went straight to the mosque to perform Solat Sunat Raya and then had some breakfast with the family at mom's house.
The bermaafan session is the most crucial part of the pagi Raya. We are trying to teach the cuties the important of doing this part of Raya and I think they finally understood the significance.
4 normalies:
selamat hari raya to you & cuties..
maaf zahir & batin...makanan sedap2 belaka tu
salam kenal...
hehe baru nk ninggal komen sejak sekian lama.
time raya budak2 le paling excited kan..
tingat zaman2 muda dulu
alahai..mesra ek drg..suka ngk..hehe
mommy lily - memang sedap tu yg risau badan naik lepas raya
vagg - salam perkenalan, raya nie memang bdk2 yg excited lebih
ita - ambik gambo mesralah, bila dah gaduh...harus bercakaran...
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