After spending the first few hours of pagi Raya at my parents place in KJ, we then headed to Shah Alam to attend Pak Ngah's open house. My Mak Ngah make it compulsary for us to attend otherwise...hehehe, yelah Mak Ngah, sure datang punyer...
We were welcomed by Pak Ngah's staff and then ushered to our table. We did not see Pak Ngah, may be busy and later was told, he has to be somewhere to attend to an important stuff.
You may want to puke but this Raya, I am really concious with what I eat. Takut I am not fat enough, nak tambah lagik!!! I only had a crunchy apam balik and 2 sticks of sate.
There were a lot of people. There were even performance from the local artistes. The cuties nearly screamed when they heard Nabil from Raja Lawak's voice. They then dragged me to go to backstage to get their photos taken with Nabil.
We did not get the chance to have a chat with Pak Ngah and Mak Ngah, they were very busy entertaining the guests and giving out duit raya. 
It's ok, Pak Ngah is organising another open house just for the family. Boleh ler borak panjang masa tu...
Next stop, to visit Wan at Kg Api2 Kuala Selangor....
3 normalies:
wah dpt beraya ngn nabil..
wah cptnye wat opn lawa ek kaler biru tuh..
atty - memang sakan bebudak tu
ita - buat open house utk org yg takde kg ler katakan...
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