normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Thursday 13 November 2008

What's my priority

I took the day off, I am not well and haven't been well for the past 2 days. Couldn't even walk properly the day before....

But being a mom, even when you are not well, you'll still need to perform your duties as a mom. And today, that's what I need to do.

Early morning, I have to attend to the cuties prize giving ceremony at their school. All of them, again made me proud.

Then, I have to settle the cuties school transfer from KJ to BSP. Need to do this very quick before the new school is full.

Now, at home, just done with some cleaning and doing some clothes folding as high as 10 person clothes worn for a week. While doing that, watching the air cond man installing the air conditioner in the cuties rooms.

I have been thinking about career shift for the past 2 weeks. Not so much about not liking where I work currently, more about choosing a place to work which allow me to go back on time and not having to bring my work home. I need to be focused on the cuties. They are growing up faster than I could ever imagine and with all the social issues going on, if I'm not careful, we could be effected as well.

Tomorrow, I will be interviewing a potential candidate to take care of the cuties, more like a non-live in maid. I don't like the idea the cuties to be sent to nursery, I think they don't like the idea too. And thanks nad and lil^red for helping me in my continious search.

My children are everything to me. Yup, all mothers say that...I work hard for them but by working hard will be a hinderance for me to be spending more time with them, I guess it's time for career shift.My princess will be in her UPSR year in one year time and that's not too far away...

I'm setting my priorities right...and I need to do it real quick before it's too late!

3 normalies:

nae said...

Liza, could you post the procedures to change school please. Would help me (and a few more helpless souls) a lot :)

Hope you're feeling better by now

vagg© said...

dah sihat belum kak?tcare ye

Liza said...

nae - will do so on the next entry

vagg - sihat but not fully, thanks!