normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

All set!

Food checked!
Dining area checked!
Goodie bags checked (forgot to take picture of this)
Invitees checked!
We are all set to go!

6 normalies:

Anonymous said...

wah seme teratur.. best makan2 hehehe

ita.itu said...

wah siap dah..syok nye ada mkn2 ek...meriah gitu

lilRed Farah said...

waaaaaaaaaahhh saspennye......
dah buleyh buat kenduri sambut menantu ni kak
chantik nye ur house!!!!

Liza said...

mamamya-makan best, tapi tukang susun makan nie yg lotih!

ita-meriah ita, mmg rasa mcm kenduri kawin

lil^red-nanti balik, wajib dtg umah yer

Anonymous said...

tak ajak gue pun...

Liza said...

andy21-perlu ke ajak