I think I have blogged about this last week. But not in great details.
My workmate lost her husband due to cancer. I knew about this early 2008, but did not share this info with anyone, she wanted it to be that way.
During the last retreat our company had in Lumut, I met her hubby and he looked ok, I thought he has been cured.
And during the wedding of Ms YK, I saw the hubby again, and he looked healthy.
And one day after work, few months back, I saw her hubby again, and he looked great!
Until few weeks ago, she called me asking for the way to seek for second opinion and I advised her accordingly. Being my nature, my character, I don't ask people about their personal stuff, unless they voluntarily share this with me.
And then this news....Very sad news indeed...
I may not have the best relationship with her, but when this happen, I felt sorry for her and her 3 small kids. My better half was quite amazed how upset I was when I hear his news, especially he knew my true feelings about her. But, I am only human. This thing skit tak banyak, effect my feelings as well, and I can't help it for shed some tears...
So here goes :
What I learnt today?
I learnt I can loose my better half just in split second and I know I cannot deal with that hence I have to be thankful to have him and the cuties around and cherish every moment with them. Not everything is about work!
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, panjangkanlah umurku dan umur suamiku, supaya kami dapat melihat anak2 kami membesar menjadi anak yang soleh dan solehah dan berjaya dalam hidup masing2. Dan sekiranya kau ingin mengambil salah satu dari kami, ambillah aku dahulu kerana aku insan yang lemah, tidak tahu bagaimana hendak mengharungi hidup tanpa suami yang aku cintai...Amin........
5 normalies:
ya sama-sama la hargai suami kita ketika hayat masih ada. tk nak menyesal kemudian kan ... innalillah...
i actually cried baca yg last tuh...
it was very true when ppl say " hidupitu satu perjudian"
we never know what going to happen in the enxt second... but definitely for sure.... we can always ask and put our hope in our doa....
kdg kdg hidup dlm denial mode itu lebih mudah... tp kite kene selalu aware dan hati hati...
*sigh* moga semua selamat... farihah dah ler jauh dr family....
father is very old oredi.....hari tu nak dtg sini pon i was very worried during their journey....
ni kang nak balik ni... tatau lah
sungguh terharu n sedey jek baca n3 nie.. tetiba mengenang nasib diri.. saya juga insan yg lemah.. hargailah masa masa yang telah berlalu kerana ianya tidak akan kembali lagi.. (kalau agak merapu abaikan yer coz saya otak cam sengal jek lah)
yeah.. memang selalu hargai suami kita kan?
hhmmm.. that's why i told my Hubby kalau la dia ditakdirkan kena transfer ke mana-mana pun i akan ikut.. regardless ke mana pun.. coz tempat isteri disisi suami.. and i willing to let go everything i have now...coz utk isteri bahagia, hanya perlu bahagiakan suami.. amin
mommylily - kdg2 kita nie terleka so kena slalu beringat kan?
lil^red - insyallah, pak aji and mak aji will be fine, my prayers are with them as well
mamamya - takde merapunyer,ok ler tu
yusvogue - you are so right, tempat isteri memang di sisi suami
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