normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Friday, 23 January 2009

Offending the client

Have you heard of Arzu, it's a tudung shop in KLCC. Previously, before this self launched jimat cermat campaign, I have always been a regular customer to this shop. And usually, I will be attended by one of the staff there, let's just call him Mr F.
Before last Raya, I got to know he left Arzu and now has his own shop in Ampang Park. I went to visit his shop and obviously, keep on going to his shop, the price there is cheaper than Arzu. He also offered a service where if my Azru anak tudung rosak, he can do the repairing for RM10 each. Fyi, one Arzu anak tudung will cost you RM30 ringgit.
Yesterday, I went to Ampang Park with Cik Puan Ambang aka Wati. Reason ; to collect my contact lenses and to send the Arzu tudung for repair at Mr F's shop. Since we were in a hurry, we thought it will make more sense for me to take the lense and Wati will send the tudung for repair...
When we were supposed to gather again to go back to office, Wati told me Mr F refused to accept the anak tudung. Reason ; he said his skin is VERY VERY sensitive, he must make sure the anak tudung has been washed. HELLO!!! Don't you think I am unhygenic!! Of course, I have washed all the anak tudung before I sent this to you. And that's what Wati told him but he still refused to accept and insisted this has yet to be washed...Hei, kalau aku cakap dah basuh, dah basuh lah!!!
My point is we as clients put our trust and our money in you and you can't even trust your client. If you so called skin are SSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SENSITIVE, have you heard of this thing called gloves...try wearing those...DUH!
I will never ever set foot in this kedai anymore. Nak buka kedai but don't even know the ethics of taking care of your clients especially the regular...WHATEVER!!!
p/s : kan akak dah marah nie....

6 normalies:

AK said...

my skin is also very2 sensitive...
tak leh naip lama2 ni..
chill kak
kalo bengang, sepak je mamat itu

Anonymous said...

ahahahaa.. mangkuk nyer orang tu akak.. tu dia bukak kedai ke or saja je bukak untuk perhiasan..moh kita bakar kedai beramai-ramai..

lilRed Farah said...

eyyyyyyyy very THE!!!!
tak suke.......
teruknye ini lelaki

iNa said...

chill liza

Anonymous said...

Lelaki ker kalu ader skin sentitive?
setakat takut nak basuh anak tudung, kalu anak sendiri, tak tau le aku...

aku marah ni.. (marah ker? - k liza, u know the tone of voice for marah ker?)

Anonymous said...

Ish mengarut. Ni la manusia bila dah untung sikit, mula la memilih customer. Masa baru bukak, semua pun boleh. Dah ok sikit, banyak bunyi lak.