normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Pastries...and loads of this!

Last week, one of the days when I was fasting, we were stuck in this bad traffic. We left from KJ quite early but there was an accident at the Serdang Exit and they had to close it. Hence, that created quite a stir and causing bad traffic. This of course effected us directly though our exit is at BBB.
Alhamdulilah, Allah has always been kind to his servant. Just when this happen, coincedently, earlier that day, I received this box of pastries. This was given by Sheraton Hotel is Subang. So, when the azan magrib was on, after a sip of drink, I had a small doughnut for my iftar.

For those who don't know me, you may want to know I am not really into pastries, as well as, sweet stuff. That would include chocolates and makanan2 yg lain yg sewaktu dengannyer....So end up, my better half and the cuties were the ones finishing the whole box of this pastries.

Not eating all this sweet stuff, but still, I am fat....And I can't help but to wonder....
(dalam hati, yg manis memang tak makan, yg berlemak tu apa criter? lagi mau heran kan?)

9 normalies:

adenium said...

bukan gemuk lah kak liza... cuma berisi sikit jer... ok what... :-)

attyfir said...

hehhehe..yg lemak2 lagi beh kot..ekekke.

nasib ade utk alas peyut dulu ye liza

vagg© said...

hahahahaha sama kak
manis xmakan.. yg berlemak kan main lagik!

fezarena said...

sy sgt suka pastries bagai nie kak..especially cake..nyum nyum...kalo ader byk lebey, tepon sy..nnt sy gi dtg amik mkn..hehehe..:)

Anonymous said...

kalau laa saya ngan cik mya dapat makanan sume sure x abis hahaha.. tapi cam sedap jek hiks..

gemuk? gemuk ke? saya pun dah gemuk laa gemuk ngan lemak segala bagai nie..

Nurhayati said...

sedapnye those pastries...
ala bole makan... pastu jogging balik.. hihihi

daela said...

salam...akk sedap nya..

lilRed Farah said...

crossoint!!!! (cam ni eh eja?)

AK said...

croissant la farihah!

*samble google ejaan yang betul*
