Last week was a tiring week. Of courselah, that was the first week of school and at the same time my first week of work after a long leave. Let me just give you a brief over view the things that we have to go through on daily basis.
I will be the first person to wake up. Quickly, I start to do laundry and then cook for the cuties lunch, at the same time prepare breakfast and their bekal. My better half would take his bath first and make the bed. On his way down, he will then wake the cuties up, usually no later than
The cuties will have their breakfast and my better half will tengok2kan what's on the stove while I will go up to take my bath pulak.
Right after azan, we perform our subuh prayer and then leave the house. Latest at 6.15am, drive to KJ, 40km away and total toll expenses RM5.10
My better half will send the cuties to school then me to LRT station. We will first drop by my parents' house to send lunch and other stuff.
I will rush to the lrt station to go back to KJ. Would reach KJ at 6.15am the latest. My better half will pick the cuties from school and then me from LRT station. Then drive another 40km and toll this time is RM5.30.
Reach BSP. The cuties will bath and perform maghrib prayers while I will be preparing dinner. The cuties will do their homework and wait for me to bath and pray. Then, dinner together
The cuties will perform their Isya' prayer and then off to bed while Papa and Mama get ready for tomorrow. We usually got to be around 11pm.
That's life Monday to Friday except public holidays...
Now you know why we are so exhausted. Last Friday, to celebrate our victory for getting through the first week, my better half rewarded us with dinner since I have benn pestering him for ikan bakar. Again, we went to Village View in BBB.
For the rest of the entry...let the picture do the story telling.........
4 normalies:
Akak, baru gi dinner kat situ dgn my sis last friday..boleh tahan la makanan dia sebab dia ada air pelik..tu yang menarik..tapi banyak nyamuk la kak...
Hi Liza, wow, that ikan dish looks so delicious. Can see your kids enjoying it.
And looks like tom yam in that bowl?
Bangi? Da lama ta'pergi, since 1970's, ha ha.
You keep well Liza, best regards, Lee.
I xpenah p lagi tpt ni kak.Tapi memang nampak menyelerakan lah...Bagilah alamatnye kak...Please???
arghhh lapornya tengok makanan itu!!!
uish.. memenatkan je jadual akak!
5 am?
beta sedang beradu sakan masa tuh!
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