After we sent my princess and my hero to religious school and my baby to primary school, we realised we have 2.5 hours to kill. My better half remembered I have wanting to eat prosperity burger for the last 2 weeks and then he drove to Subang Parade to fullfill my cravings. Not forgetting the fluffy muffin from Kenny Rogers.
Wow, the burger tasted as good as how I remembered it to be...
Next, to get my better half's birthday present. Yup, his birthday was like 3 weeks ago but I didn't know what to get him so I asked him what he wanted. Apart from my undying love and loyalty of course ;)
So, he told me he wanted a pair of either Adidas or Nike shoes. To save the hassle of him not liking my choice, we went together to get this so that he can choose the one he likes and I will then be the paymaster. This is his choice...
We hardly get to spend time together, just the 2 of us, so we really enjoyed the quality time we had...and wondering when can we get the next available slot...
5 normalies:
both pon makanan kegemaran ku!!!
owh lazatnye muffin kenny rogerss......
prosperity lg...
owh owh...
lil^red - i love the muffin from KR, memang the best lah!
syok syok makan prosperity
mommylily-memang syok, rasa puas sgt
kak suka muffin vanilla dier...sgtlah sedapp kannn...nyum nyum....
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