Remember this special event?
Well, we started the day, of course by pretending to the cuties we were working that day. They were quite suspicious though as I was wearing jeans to work. For my better half that's a norm, he always wear jeans to work.
The theme of the day, by the way, is to go and enjoy food at places that we can't go during normal days...
So, the first venue was breakfast at SS19. I love the soto here. The best I have tasted so far. We also spent sometime reading the newspaper, again, something we have not done for quite sometime.
Then, we went to OU for some shopping action. I bought 2 blouses and 2 track bottoms. Wanted to buy more but was rushing to the next location.
But, a mother will always be a mother. By 3pm, I was missing my cuties. We called my parents and told them we are picking the cuties and will be making our way to BSP. Baby siap ponteng skolah half day lagik!
Personally, I felt this kind of outing is very important to our marriage. Sometimes, we are so busy with our life juggling between career and family that we tend to neglect the better half. We also have marked in our calendar for the next session for 2009...
In a nutshell, I had an awesome day!
3 normalies:
so sweet lah kak liza... memang penting kan mende macam nih... semoga kak liza... n famili heppi2 sokmo... :-)
atty - lawa and murah, RM29 jer satu
adenium - it's important, mmg kena make time gak
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