normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Friday, 6 February 2009

Tasbih Fatimah

Got this from Ina's blog and thought of sharing this tips. I have yet to try it and will start tonight, Insyallah...
I'm sure there are times that we feel really exhausted during the day due to house chores, office work etc, right? Feeling exhausted that u feel like lazing around and not doing anything. I just want to share this with u. It's called Tasbih Fatimah.
Tasbih Fatimah.
Here's what u have to do:
1. Before u sleep, do the adab tido first. Do u know the adab tido? Ok very briefly => recite Al-fatihah, the 3 surah Qul (blow it on ur palms and rub ur whole body ; this is to prevent being sihir-ed/ santau-ed during the slumberland) and Ayat Qursi (3 times ; to prevent from unwanted things such as kebakaran, kecurian etc to happen while u r sleeping)
2. Recite Bismillah (21 times)
3. Now come the Tasbih Fatimah.
Recite :
a) Subhannallah (33 times)
b) Alhamdulillah (33 times)
c) Allahuakhbar (34 times)
4. Then, u can sleep.The tasbih fatimah was actually practised by Saidina Fatimah r.a. She was a very good wife in which she did all the house chores by herself. And during that time, there's no blender, rice cooker etc. Everything was to be done manually. She had to carry buckets of water for the home supply. So, all these jobs made her feel easily tired. One day, she came to see Rasulullah (pbuh) and complained about it. As a dear father, he said all the good things and values for what she had done for the husband. Berkhidmat untuk suami besar pahalanya provided that dengan hati yang ikhlas. Then, Rasulullah asked Fatimah to practice the Tasbih Fatimah and he also mentioned that reciting the Tasbih Fatimah will not make her feeling tired.Jadi, apa-apa amalan yang kita buat, kita kenalah yakin.
Ini juga adalah pesanan Rasulullah. Setiap kata-kata Rasulullah itu adalah dr Allah swt.Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal :-)

2 normalies:

attyfir said...

betui kata liza..
apa pun amalan yg kita buat..kita mesti yakin..

fazid said...

liza, ingat tak kite selalu zikir fatimah nie selepas solat jemaah kat surau mrsm jasin dulu, subhanAllah walhamdullillah walaaila haillAllah Allahuakbar... this is another version of zikir fatimah. teringat suara ustaz gaban, sayu aje..lepas tu baca doa ampun dosa tu, illahilastulil firdausi.....menangis setiap kali oooo...

amalkan zikir fatimah nie setiap kali solat..insyaAllah, hilang segala kerisauan ...bila dah biasa...rasa kejap aje buat nie :D... insyaAllah