I used to be this person who get so caught up with work that I forgot to meet my friends and forgot the fun element.
I will not allow myself to be that person again. I will try with my best effort to balance things in my life and make sure that I take care of myself, physically and psychologically.
So, while busy working on an event in Putrajaya, I thought of meeting one of my friends whom I don't see that often. She works in the area, about few blocks away from our event. So, I thought I just contact her and see whether she is available for lunch. Alhmadulilah, she was available.
Azwa, is a person whom I have known for the last 5 years. She was my intern back on my previous company and she is still close to me until now. I guess some people know how to be grateful while some would stab you the moment they can even to the extend of biting the hands that was feeding you. I'm over that I will let Allah do His work to get back at this person...I will not interfere with Allah's work.
Anyway, she picked us up(Andy wanted to join us, so oklah tu!) at around 12.30pm(sorry kena tunggu k liza, nak habiskan keje skit) and she took us to Alamanda. I wanted to continue eating healthy so we decided to have lunch at Kenny Rogers, coincedently, both of us are on diet. As for Andy, he has no choice but to follow jer lah kan.

It's good to catch up with Wa. I am so proud of her achievement. I wanted for her to be part of my team, but I guess her rezeki was not that and Allah has given her something better.
My only wish Wa will meet the right person who will love and take care of her cause she really deserve to get a good person to be her life partner. Wa is a nice person and she deserve a nice individual!
3 normalies:
Kene la dgn Andy tu.....
anon - saya stuju....tapi kena ler tanyer tuan punyer badan
huhu.... kalau nak tanya empunya badan, memang tak jalan.... Andy memilih sgt kot? huhu
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