I was very occupied last week. We were very busy preparing for a big event. For those who have read the newspaper and watched the news would have came across this event.
The preparation started since Monday but the peak of the preparation only started on Thursday. We spent so many hours at Putrajaya doing rehersals and accomodating to last minutes changes. And when I say last minute, I do mean last minute. There were even changes 2 hours before the event started! Can you imagine that, you have to be on top of your toes all the time.
We were working and working all the time. On Thursday, we had our dinner at 10pm and I went back only at 1am to know that I have to wake up early and be at Putrajaya very early the next morning. But, the team was so dedicated and I am very proud to be part of the team.
I have organised many events before hence I can see I am calmer handling crisis. I don't get panick attacks anymore even when the MC lost his scripts one hour before the event was about to start! I guess practise do makes perfect.
I love doing events but I know I am more than that. I can do more and I want to do more. That is why I have chosen the future career path that I am about to pursue now. I know I am an intelligent person, I know am more than capable to handle all the stress and I know I can be if not at par, better than those who felt I am a stupid person who can't even be near their achievement.
This is not the old Liza who will be sad and depress and felt she is now good enough for the position. This is the new Liza and you better watch out cause if you mess with her, you are so not gonna like her!
p/s : If you haven't notice, I have lost more weight. Total loss now is 8 kg and I am very proud of myself!
6 normalies:
OMG!!!!! the first moment tgk gambar kak liza....
saya la jeles nih... saya pak yg tak kurus kurus... owh tidaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkk
adooi..liza..jeles nie..bila le aty nak diet nie..congrats liza
baru je nak tanye sis bape kg turun skali 8kg da..gilerssss banyak.. patut nampak vogue gitew hihihihi
Sis Liza - serius jeles tgk u dah kurus...
lil^red - byk lagik nak kurangkan nie, long way to go
atty - jauh lagik perjalanan, liza takleh nak happy sgt takut tak sedar diri trus naik balik
yati - still working to loose more, nak makin vogue!
mamamarina - mariler kita diet sama2
series...emang akak nampak kurus giler..kecik jer nampak.. isk..kena kuatkan semangat gak nih..
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