First and foremost, thank you so much for all the kind wishes and salam takziah. Alhamdulilah, everything has been settled and all the necessary were completed.
I bumped into K Red a couple of days ago and she said to me "Woi, orang lain dah sampai merata, ko nie still kat Kelantan". Sorry to all, really wanted to do some updates, but work has been very taxing to me, and my princess was not well this couple of days. I will utilise this weekend to do as much as updates as I can. Though the stories may be dah basi, but this is my personal blog and the main reason is to jot down memories with my family so I will do just that.
Now, back to the Kuantan story. We were at Kuantan for one reason and one reason only....To participate in my company's Family Retreat. We really look forward to this event especially this event was organised by many of my good friends and I know, literally know, how much effort they have actually put in to organise this event. Try and be part of the committee and you know the sweat and tears that went into making an event a success. Jangan asik dok nak komplen sana sini, cakap pandai ler yer, buat tak reti. Dah ler free... Remember, this people is organising a company event, not your personal vacantion. Emo ler pulak kan! But, seriously, show some appreciation to thise great people.
I have promised the cuties a swim at the pool once we arrived. They have condoned my shopping trips, the least I can do is to bring them to the pool kan?
Anyway, first night of the event was not that hype. I guess, people were still tired due to the travelling and just want to have their dinner and crash on their bed. Nevertheless, it was a nice and peaceful dinner with family and friends.
There were games for the kids and of course the cuties, inheriting the kiasu behaviour from yours truly, they participated in all the games offered. Nak buek camno yer...
And tomorrow, more activities......equal MORE FUN!!!
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