Today is my hero's birthday, yup, the real birthday. He turns 10 today.
My hero's name is Muhammad Ilham Syafiq which means "Yang terpuji, Ilham yang penyayang"
My hero was born at 3am in the morning, the same hospital as my princess and my baby. He was born a week late so I had to be admitted to either be induced or operated. Since I knew the date I will be admitted, I took the opportunity to really eat. I requested for my favourite dishes from my mom and eat like nobody's business. Al-maklumlah, nak kena berpantang lepas nie...
Back track skit, I just delivered my princess 6 months ago when I conceived my hero which of course is not a planned pregnancy. I was worried at that time, financially we were not that stable and my princess was still very small. I consulted my mom who told me, "rezeki di tangan Allah, bukan di tangan akak". That opened my eyes and I was grateful for being able to have kids while some people have difficulty to do so.
We had difficulty to get him to walk. He felt crawling was much faster for him to move aound hence opted to crawl rather than to even try walking. However, we noticed how strong he is. He was seen one day carrying the small chair while crawling...
And those were the good old days when it was so easy to control him. But, when he entered his 5th year, it was really a challenge to ask him to stay still. And that hyperactive attitude stays till now.
My hero may seems to look like this macho and tough guy. Truthfully, he is more sensitive and have the tendency to cry more than the 2 girls. He loves cooking and he is a good cook as well, something he inherited from my dad.
My hero is my bestfriend. My hero is the person I share my joy and sorrow with. I will be the first person he calls and wishes to talk too should anything happens in his life. He shares his most intimate secrets with me and would never want to see me sad. A very responsible brother who is so protective towards his family and will make sure our needs are being taken care off. However, he just hates it when the sisters refused to listen to him...dictator gak kadang2....
To my hero, Mama loves you very much. My only wish is for him to grow up a good son and a good protecter to the sister. And my his wish to be a scientist will come true and may he be suceessful in future. Jangan luper solat ye sayang!
3 normalies:
selamat hari jadi Ilham Syafiq , semoga menjadi anak yg berjasa kepada ke dua ibubapanya..dan berjaya dlm apa jua yg diceburi ..amin
Happy Birthday Ilham... auntie doakan kejayaan, and make ur mom proud
atty & fazid - thanks for the wish!
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