normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Decision every mother has to make

Off late I have been contemplating on choices I made for my life. What is best for me and most importantly, what is best for the cuties. And I am not the only one that always have this on my mind. I think this can be best decribed as Mother's Frequently Ask Questions.
I am thinking seriously about the options of working from home. The cuties are getting bigger by day and my princess will be sitting for her UPSR next year. The most rationale thing to do is for me to be more focused on their needs. If something goes wrong, I have no one but my own self to blame.
Catering has always been something I enjoy doing. And I am seriously considering to start this actively again. For a start, by taking orders on Saturdays and Sundays. This can be taxing, but I have to start somewhere....
I am also looking out for opportunities, at least near where we live now. At least, I can be home on time and if required, I can also go home during lunch to check on the cuties. I think that would be awesome.
Don't get me wrong. I am ambitious and want to climb the career ladder. But, in life, there will be choices that we need to make. Choices with the pros and cons. Choices will not only effect your life but the one you love as well.......
My dear normalies, hope you will pray what's best for me. And hope all will turn out find. Doa is one form of tawakkal apart from hard work. And your doa means a lot to me.....
You mothers out there, come and share your experience. Let me know what you think and if you are a working from home mom, please by all means, share that with me.......
Decisions...decisions...Hope I am making the right one....

4 normalies:

attyfir said...

kdg..atty pun terpk..nak keje dr umah..supaya senang nak uruskan buat masa ni lom berkemampuan...

atty doakan liza brjaya dlm apa yg liza hajati...amin

Liza said...

Atty-kalau ikut hati, mmg nak duduk rumah jer tapi sama mcm atty, rezeki blum sampai, thanks doakan liza, liza pun doakan atty jugak, Amin....

fazid said...

hmm tough decision to make .... i pun slalu gak contemplating this issue, lagi la tgh study nie and have to make a lot of sacrifices. sometimes terpikir i buat semua nie utk apa. but i guess nobody can answer that. whatever it is, tawakkal pada Allah. kite mohon yang terbaik dari Nya sahaja.

whatever u choose liza, i know you will do it for ur family. i doakan u success ya.

kalau jadi catering tu gi tau... bleh i order. yaya's birthday is coming up :D

Liza said...

Fazid-thanks for your support, appreciate it!