normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

My hero's new craze

I think by now, most of you would know my hero's ambition to be a scientist. He loves science and would be able to spend hours reading books related to science. While other kinds enjoy watching cartoon, he prefers watching Animal Planet or National Geographic.
This was one of the very many great gifts he got from the birthday bash. I think this was given by Gina, betul tak?

He made us take him to the fish shop the next day to buy some to be placed in this container. He was also blabbering what kind of fish he wants as this tank does not have oxygen supply hence choosing the right fish is crucial. Now, everytime I come back from work, he would brief me the update on his new experiment, at time using terms I have never heard off!
Insyallah, if he works hard and study smart, he will be able to achieve what he has always dream off....Amin.........

6 normalies:

watie said...

semoga impian tercapai.. amin

re = yer saya terlupa di situ cik mya sudah besar huhuhu

attyfir said...

atty pun doakan segala impian ilham tercapai amin.

AK said...

good for him...

teringat bila rumate beli ikan
tiap2 hari kami tukar nama
azean irdawaty, zaiton sameon, ramlah ram, rosnah mat aris la...
tapi last2 masa dia mati baru tau dia jantan...
sampai mati dikerjakan nama2 pelik! huhu

Gina said...

Hadiah tu u yang bagi hint-hint happy that he like it sooo much.

Liza said...

Watie - mak mana yg tak nak anak berjaya kan?

Atty- kita aminkan sama2 utk anak2 kita

Ak-patutler mati, nama bagi tak glamer

Gina-i bagi clue je, u did the choosing

Amiha Ayu said...

dont stop praying & support him kak...

my prayers are wit him too...