Yesterday was so depressing. Depressing as the title is suggesting.
We were stuck in a horrible traffic. Of all the day in the month Ramadhan, it has to be the day that I told my mom not to cook as we planned to take my parents out for buka puasa. Made reservations at Sari Ratu Nasi Padang earlier, but the time was 7.10pm and we just entered the NPE.
My thoughts were not so much on how me and my better half is going to break fast in the car, but more on what's the situation back home. What will the cuties have since mom is not cooking? What will my mom has to do when I promised her a dinner out? What kind of bebelan that I have to take from my dad.
We arrived at the front gate around 7.30pm. I went straight in, half frantic, to see what the cuties are eating. Alhamdulilah, my mom's contigency plan was indeed a delicious one, she made cekodok ikan bilis bawang, my all time favourite. The cuties were fine and eating without complaining. My dad, being my dad, was giving me this unnecessary lecture about eating during weekdays during fasting month is never a good idea. And he said, the dinner planned needs to be cancelled, he did not want to miss his terawih. So, I called the place and the deal is off.
I felt we owe the cuties good dinner(by their definition), so we let them choose where to eat. As predicted, they chose fast food of course. So, we headed to Subang Parade to have dinner at the newly opened KFC.

I guess the cuties were more interested with the playland rather than having their dinner.
I have been wanting to have Big Apple for the longest time so we tapau'ed half dozen. Those were what I had for sahur by the way, while the rest was having rice.

Subang Parade was so beautifully decorated, they had this bridge which felt like Raya @ Kampung.

I have long lists to do and I just realised 17 more days to go before Raya...alamak, sempat ker nak complete all!!!
2 normalies:
aiyah...only 17 days left...time flies....
fazid - so true, and the next thing you know a day before raya and i am going frantic with more things not done than done!
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