A full stomach is a happy stomach...
Nope, this is not one of those brilliant quotes. This is a stupid quote that I came out with. So, that explains the stupidity of the quote.
My in-laws arrived from Batu Pahat late Saturday evening. I was so surprised my in-lwas suddenly were in front of our house. Usually, they will call and we will pick them up at the Putra Mahkota toll area, guess they are an expert already of the route to our house.
Adik came along, as well as my 2 lovely nephews, age 13 and 11. Good! We need all the help we can get for this Sunday event.
Saturday nite is Pasar Malam nite at BSP. So, we thought of buying dinner there. It will be a busy nite so we need to feed our staff well.
Cepat makan, keje banyak nie.....
3 normalies:
betul tu beli sikit2 tapi banyak2 baru nmpk meriah kan
liza, u buat housewarming lagi ke? adehhhh....
i think, a similar famous saying is "tawan suami di perutnya" gegegege.... eh macam takde kene mengena pulak ekk... :P
mommylily-beli skit2 byk jenis boleh rasa kan
fazid-housewarming dah buat ler babe!
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