We had this annual company event called the Jamboree. This event is to educate each other what others in the company are doing hence to give a better understanding and to create a non-sylo culture.
This year is the second year this event is organise. Last year was not a good year for our division, mainly we did not get the message given by the organising committee on many things with regards to the Jamboree. So, we thought we need to make up for last year defeat and do something meaningful this year.
The preparation was really tiring. If I am tired, I am sure the other team members whom I felt contributed more were more tired than me, namely our creative director, Mizi and producer, Ijlal. They have been working hard day and nite to ensure victory for our booth.
We have chosen the theme Headhunt, which suits one of the very many HR roles very well. To jive with this theme, we planned to decorate the booth like a jungle. We also started distributing the teaser, BBW...aka bulu berbau wangi...The final result was simply amazing!
I did not snap any photos on the event day itself, was very busy running around playing a dual role as the coordinator for my division as well as the working committee for the organiser. If I receive any photos from other, I will share them with you, just managed to cilok photo taken with K Red in front of our booth. Jangan marah yer K Red.

I was very exhausted and just wanted to crash on my bed by the time the event ended. And the best thing is WE WON THE BEST BOOTH AWARD!!!! Bestnyer!!!!!!
5 normalies:
kak liza..patut lah macam pernah tgk jer gamar kak liza ngan kak red tuh..hehehe
Akak, akak pakai suar askar ker? perrgghhh!!ganas tuh..hehehe..
We finally win something. Talk about miracle!;p don't know whether I should kick myself on the head for missing this event, or simply be happy about the victory and absence..
Hmm, either way, I am just glad I am on looooooooonnnng 'leave' like this.
Anywho, congrats kak liza for being able to multitask as such and yet come up on top (no, I don't mean the win..I was refering to your colorful personality). It's a tough job dealing with many stressors and yet keeping cool and maintaining composure like u do..always do. Kudos! Now that's a winner;)
adenium - dgn k red kitalah, sape lagik kan
aisha - sluar askar, tapi ada gak yg ckp cam plkn, whatever lah, janji menang kan?
azrul - many things happen while you were away and being only human, i broke down...but not in front of others...
inilah yang teaser dulu ek...
congrats on winning n hold the responsibilities!!!
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