normal by definition confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Lempeng lagik??

By now I think many would know how I love lempeng especially if it's being complimented by sardine or sambal tumis, marvelous!!

I was fasting yesterday. Around 5pm my better half called and asking what do I feel like having for iftar. And he was so surprised I wanted lempeng with sardine. He kept on asking me,"betul ke tak nak makan nasi?" I told him, it's not because I'm on diet, it's really because that's what I feel like having.
So, lempeng it is.
By the time we reached home, it was about 7.30pm. I only had few sips of water after azan maghrib. Again my better half asked me, tak nak makan nasi kat kedai ke? I know he is worried for me to have such light meal for iftar. Again, this is due to cravings, not so much about diet.

Once reach home, I told the cuties to bath and perform their maghrib prayers. While I was already in the kitchen cooking the iftar. I told my better half to bath and first. Once he is done, he took over the kitchen and it's my turn to get myself clean and pray.
Sedap giler tau lempeng and sardine. And it's so filling. If I have more time, I would have also prepare the sambal ikan bilis. Kalau ada lagik terangkat...Baby pulak prefer with sugar. Tak makan pedas.
And while typing this, I am already thinking what to cook for dinner tonite...any idea?

5 normalies:

Anonymous said...

waa sedapnye lempeng.. saya x pernah wat pun kekeke.. kat umah dapur dah lama x berasap huhuhu

vagg© said...

roti pureee.
nk cicah sambal bilis boleh.. kari boleh.. dhal boleh. ewah! ekekeke

fazid said...

liza...nak resepi lempeng laaa... gune tepung aje ke?... tak bleh imagine la... the only lempeng i ever taste, itupun bonda yang buat, is lempeng ubi aje....plz,plz,plz share the recipe ekkk...sian kat orang jauh nie :D

lilRed Farah said...

heheheh baru ingat nak mintak resipi... kak fazid dah mintak dulu...

ni duk sorg sorg pon berchenta tiap hari nk pk masak ape...
sok sok kang dah berkeluarga tatau lacemana hazabnye....
pk untuk masak isi perut sendiri adelah memeningkan!

AK said...


entri2 di blog ini membunuh perutku yang membaca di kala bulan mengambang!!!
